HATEURE - Body & Soil EP : Teaser

  Erik Vandamme    28 mei 2015

In een eerder artikel lieten we weten dat de Filipijnse band Hateure in juni hun EP zouden op de markt brengen. Deze EP zal uitkomen via het label Sound Carpentry Recordings . In een teaser op Facebook laat de band nu in zijn kaarten kijken.

Het volgende krijgen we te lezen:

To date, songs from the upcoming third album has been with us for 3 years now. We've been struggling to emancipate ourselves from the influence of our past materials and biases. The course is more discussion-driven than spontaneous jams and random throwing of riffs and drum patterns.

Many times we experienced dumping an entire set of material just because we thought it's too tight for our present vision and it sounds like 'us during our hungry-teens-days, it sounds like those guys we admired when we were starting HATEURE. The intention in the current format is entirely different. Yes, it took us years to realize this musical diversion. It has been a painful process of elimination but a very transcendental experience - both ideologically and aesthetically.

"Collective repair" is a pounding pain in the ass. We have no way to go but to kill our former-selves, still though we remain respectful of our youth and we thank our local heroes and listeners for being part of our aesthetic pursuits.

And today, we're giving you a hint of what we are trying to develop for our junior release - for the 8th year of our existence as craftsmen. - RSVJR.

Bekijk de video hieronder:



Of Mice & Men

Posted by Snoozecontrol on Wednesday, 25 March 2015