TRICK OR TREAT - The Unlocked Songs (Scarlet Records)

  Van Muylem    22 mei 2021

The Unlocked Songs’falls in between an album of unreleased music and a collection of assorted goodies scattered over almost two decades of brilliant career. Trick Or Treat are about to enter the studio to begin working on their new record, but have found the time to anticipate it with a very tasty compilation that will bring much excitement to their loyal fan base and, at the same time, will allow them to win new faithful Trickers. The band had this idea during last year’s lockdown that forced the recordings of the new album to be delayed; it quicky developed into a compelling and amusing “b-sides greatest hits” that will just make you feel better. Uplifting heavy metal for dark times!

Trick Or Treat are men on a mission and, most of all, men of their word.

Before I start I must state that I only started to follow the band with their The legend of the XII Saints album, so I missed all the previous albums. This collection offers us all a very good time and shows off what they did they past years whilst thinking about the fans too who can collect now all this special tracks!

Hungarian Hangover sounds like a sweet hangover. I love the vibe and the positive feeling (despite the title). It’s the kind of song that makes you happy despite the dark times and that is just what they try to create! Music wise you can call it a rocker. Almost Gone starts in a very bluesy way but rolls into a catchy and very sweet track (sadly I know nothing of the background of this track). Sometimes the song sounds like a ballad too. The end almost sounds like cinematographic. One of the songs I know well is the next one, but then in the English/Japanese version: I Cavalieri Dello Zodiaco. Here we hear the Italian version. It must be very sweet for Italian fans of this great series most of us know from our childhood! Dragonborn – Skyrim sounds like a medieval ballad and is focused on the game with the same name (once played it, a while ago). Once the backings jump in it gets a lot of pathos and an almost Wagnerian touch. When the guitar starts shredding, we get a more rocking touch, but that’s only for a short while. It’s a nice one. Next is a funny one: Heavy Metal Bunga Bunga. Laughing with Berlusconi: I’m not sure if they loved it in Italy, but I adore the funny part in it. The song is also mainly sung in Italian. A really nice one and o so catchy is Scream. I don’t get why this wasn’t a single. It’s one of the highlights on this magnificent album! Human Drama (Down Into Pain) starts with a bluesy guitar but changes fast into a more rocking sound with vocals on fire. It’s incredible how high the vocals can go and how loud and strong they can sound! The backings give a bit of an opera touch with a slice sweetness (despite the negative lyrics). Hampshire Landscapes almost starts like Bombtrack from Rage Against The Machine but changes into a sweet rocker with a synth on fire but without any vocals. Another one that belongs to one of my favourite albums so far is: Sagittarius - Golden Arrow (Acoustic-Orchest). It’s an outtake, but a great one and would have been great on the regular album! Just listen to the orchestral parts! I totally adore this version! Great work! A bit of fun comes with the bluesy rocker and a plain joke: Evil Needs Christmas Too. Taste the sugar, feel the fine feeling and don’t forget to smile all along the song! Marvellous! Another outtake from my favourite album is Arles Hall: an excellent missing almost last track of the album! I’m just missing some vocals here. A bit of a laughter comes with Like Donanld Duck (demo 2004). Not sure why they wrote the name in a wrong way. The sound is pretty good and you wouldn’t almost not notice it’s a demo. It’s clear they wanted to do something funny and succeeded in an early stage! Last one is an all fired up live track: I'm Alive (live).

Alle Conti – vocals

Guido Benedetti – guitar

Luca Venturelli – guitar

Leone Villani Conti – bass

Luca Setti – drums

Yup, this was fun and am waiting for the new album. This one has for sure highlights and I’m pretty sure they will be all different for all the fans! Rock on folks and hope to see you on stage in 2022 (just be honest: don’t expect huge tours in 2021)!

