Eyemèr will launch a single on the 20th November and is called Reborn!

  Van Muylem    31 oktober 2021

Eyemèr (from Belgium) is the musical alias of Arlo Devreese, and is an indie singer-songwriter trying to make your eyes water or at least touch your soul. Finalist of Humo's Rock Rally 2014 and selected for De Nieuwe Lichting 2013 & 2014.

Although medical transition is not something every transgender person wants or can opt for, for some it is definitely a necessary step to feel connected with their body. A few days before their top surgery date, Eyemèr wrote a song called ‘Reborn’ (feat. Ryan Cassata). This track is a reflection on the long process they went through to be able to get top surgery. It also talks about the freedom they imagined to feel right after this gender affirming surgery.

The song on itself is a fragile track with a clear message and will touch you deeply! It's real pearl, but keep a hankerchief closeby.

Find 'Reborn' on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon and other online stores: distrokid.com/hyperfollow/eyemr/…-feat-ryan-cassata
-Pre-save 'Transition Town' on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon and other online stores: distrokid.com/hyperfollow/eyemr/transition-town-2

The video will go online the 20th of november (together with the launch of the single):


In the meantime you can listen to her previous single and read all about it here:

Although non-binary people have always existed, there is still a lack of representation.

So much so that the general public does not yet fully comprehend the concept of ‘being neither a man nor a woman’. Consequently, coming out as non-binary can seem very scary and lonely. This is the reason I sought to involve as many non-binary people and/ or trans people as possible for this song that was written for the non-binary community. In the end of the track, a choir of fifteen non-binary and trans people sing along with the anthem ‘Kid, you’ll be fine. You’re not a girl, you’re not a boy, nor am I’.

In the video 11 non-binary people explain what being non-binary means to them. We filmed 3 videos at 3 different locations - in Bob Dylan style. This is the first video. I figured today would be the perfect date to release the first one, since today is ‘Coming Out Day’.The other two videos will be released 14/10 and 17/10. So watch out for those!

A big thank you to everyone who helped making this song and this video possible. I am so honoured that so many people participated and am incredibly proud of how it all turned out. Please give the video a thumbs up on Youtube and leave a comment if you liked it!

FInd ‘Bird, You Can Fly’ on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon and more: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/eyemr/bird-you-can-fly