Liar Thief Bandit release the fifth single from their upcoming mini-album "Diamonds". "Peace with Disaster" is an intense classic rock track featuring electrifying twin guitar melodies and uplifting vocals. Besides the new single, the Swedish power trio also confirms new live dates.
Liar Thief Bandit on the new single:
Peace with Disaster is a song about hitting rock bottom, realizing it and taking the first steps toward a new era. It was written in a changing time emotionally, in between a definite ending and a new beginning in life. If there’s any message to be delivered with this song, it would be that it’s sometimes important to admit defeat to be able to gather strength to carry on with an optimistic state of mind. Hope is the last thing that leaves us!
Liar Thief Bandit live:
July 14 - SommarRock, Svedala, SE
July 20 - Basement, Copenhagen, DK
July 22 - SkogsRÅrocken, Ydre, SE
July 23 - Stationen, Röstånga, SE
August 5 - Weltturbojugendtage, Hamburg, DE
August 6 - Campen in Hain, Niederdürenbach, DE
September 17 - Rock Garden, Påarp, SE
Liar Thief Bandit’s mini-album "Diamonds" will be released later this year on The Sign Records.
Liar Thief Bandit are:
Mikael Jacobson - Guitar / Vocals
William Grube - Drums
Niklas Dahre - Bass
For more info visit: