Could it be The Cure, could this be finally a new song from The Cure? The answer my friend is yes, but it's not! A slice of Life is a band from Belgium and to be honest Dirk Vreys who is their singer also sings in tribute to The Cure band. Just listen to the vocals! Next to that you have the guitars who have a typical 80's touch.
Now let's talk about the song: it's a pretty hard song with a melancholic touch. The guitars take off as if you are going off the ground with an airplane and the drums hit hard. It's raw and explosive and I love it! The vocals are great (but that I already told you, I think). And yet it's a typical A Slice of Life song and not a copy of an old The Cure song! Congratulations, folks: you did a great job!
I can't wait to hear more from the new upcoming stuff!