C-LEKKTOR - 2.0 (alfa matrix)

  Van Muylem    10 september 2024

C-LEKKTOR stands alongside HOCICO, RABIA SORDA, and AMDUSCIA as the pinnacle of dark electro from Mexico. Celebrating 20 years of aggressive sonic warfare, Markko B. offers fans a special “2.0” double-CD deluxe digipak. This release features not only the most beloved club hits from C-LEKKTOR’s discography but also completely revamped and rerecorded versions of 12 classic tracks.

Markko B. has used modern technology and his evolved production skills to breathe new life into the most demanded and frequently played songs at concerts. The 2.0 versions of tracks like “An Empty Soul”, “Infected”, “Paralisis”, “See My Hate”, “El Comienzo De La Muerte” and “Our Dark Side” are reimagined and totally rearranged. Club classics such as “World Of Fantasy”, “Juicio Final”, “Hellektro Convulsion Therapy”, “Solo En La Oscuridad” and “Silence Remains” have also been given a powerful reboot for your ultimate pleasure.

This release also includes adrenaline-pumping harsh electro cuts in their original form from recent albums, featuring fresh club hits like “God Killer” and “Are You Ready For The Bass?” alongside dancefloor staples such as “Out Of My Way,” “Cyborgs” and the cult video clip track “Animals.”

With harsh vocals in both English and Spanish, upbeat industrial EBM assaults, and sinister melodies, C-LEKKTOR has established a unique sonic trademark in the dark scene over the past two decades. This release confirms that Markko B.’s devastating synth machines are ready for the next wave of dark electro.

C-LEKKTOR is fully loaded and ready to blast!

This double-CD is a must-have for all fans of dark hellectro music, especially those who enjoy SUICIDE COMMANDO, HOCICO, ALIEN VAMPIRES or yet NOISUF-X.

So far the promo talk. I can say I saw this guy on stage (interviewed him too) and was blown out of my socks! This guy rocks! He’s a big fan of Suicide Commando and was able to work with him for a few times! Together they are stronger and lift each other to a higher level. Markko has changed eg. He has grown, worked very hard and that paid off! I’m happy I can review this one! He totally deserves a spot on the bigger festivals! Low let’s unleash the beast!



Our dark side 2.0 : first thing that strikes is the modern sound (like always within his music). Feel the beat & join the folks on the dancefloor! On the other side: I always wrote down: this is how Suicide Commando should sound like in the modern times and I won’t repeat it anymore as they both got their own vibes and style! Don’t forget: Markko started as a DJ (selecting the tracks and thus became the name of this project: C-Lekktor). He grew up with this kind of music and used modern gear, shifting the era and prepping us for the future! Looking forward and not backwards! In case it’s not clear: it’s a top track!

El comienzo de la muerte 2.0: in case you missed it: this guy was raised in Mexico, so it’s his right to drop track in his original language. So to come back at Mexico: this is how I hoped Hocico would sound like in 2024! The warm and modern sound is very convincing as dancefloor filler!

World of fantasy 2.0 sounds like a modern techno track with harsh beats and noise. Raise your hands and fill the dancefloor as the rave has started!

I don't (UNRELEASED TRACK FROM 2009) takes us back to the harsher sound, yet with still a modern touch and some Suicide Commando influences. Just listen to the warm and well filled up sound! Here’s a master at work! Originally written during “The Silence Procession” era.

Out of my way is a must have for fans of harsh EBM! I really like how this one sounds globally speaking! I also adore the snippets (spoken words) taken from a movie (wandering witch one).

An empty soul 2.0 has a lot in common with the previous track, but has less aggression in it. I also hear some computer minded voices.

Juicio final 2.0 has some techno minded parts, a bit of drum’n bass and because of the Mexican vocals a wink towards Hocico (but again with a very modern touch and way harsher).

God killer is literally a killer track! I was already very lyrical when I reviewed it the first time and am still admiring the global sound, the tempo, the beats, the warm sound … This track clearly didn’t need a second version!

Solo en la oscuridad 2.0 back on track with the harsh electro slices and Mexican vocal spitfire! With this we are ending the first CD!


Always you (Depeche Mode cover) is a highly emotional cover, bringing in some drum’n bass and a softer sound.

Infected 2.0 takes us in the beginning back to techno world but changes slowly into some kind of aggrotech track.

Are you ready for the bass? Is a recent track and didn’t need to be reworked as the original was perfect! Are you ready for this track and feel the rhythm? Enjoy, dance, lift your arms, jump up and down, … Let the beast go!

Hellekktro Convultion Therapy 2.0: well all is written in the title! This is heaven for the fans of this kind of music! The sound also resonated perfectly in my headphones! What a blast! Fun time!

Silence Remains 2.0 takes us back to the harsher sound and has a lower tempo.

Cyborgs takes us back to clubland! Time to rave!

Paralisis 2.0 sounds a bit old school in the beginning, but once the beats kick in the song is clearly a modern dancefloor filler!

Animals is a very sexy track, genre Closer (NIN) but with more beats and a higher tempo. It’s showtime baby!

See my hate 2.0 is filled with aggression, great beats, a superb tempo and cool extra’s!

Fire in the hole 2.0 (hidden track) throws for the last time a party, just like the title! An excellent track for DJ’s all over the world! I can’t see the dancefloor: only heads, arms, body’s: it’s too crowded!

This was really fun! I enjoyed this trip, just as I enjoyed this artist in the past 20 years! I hope he can double that as he deserves it! Hope to see you one day again and go for a selfie this time and not to introduce you/help you to have a chat to/with Johan! Mic drop!