JE T'AIME launches new clip and announces new album!

  Van Muylem    8 december 2024

Cold-wave trio JE T'AIME embrace the futility of life to better dance its melancholy in a romantic gesture that takes 80s nostalgia and breathes new energy into it. The universe of JE T'AIME's new album, Useless Boy, is as much an intimate elegy of broken dreams and invisible walls as it is a cry of rebellion, a call to dance bravely in the face of despair. To be useless until you die in a dull world where everything is in vain? With pleasure, but not without panache!

The song slowly builds up, with female vocals that sound very angelic (but in fact it's the reverb on dBoy's voice). After a while I also hear dBoy's real voice, followed by Crazy Z. It's a very melancholic and sweet song (thanks to the female backings). I hear a bit of an influence from David Bowie's Earthling album (the electronical part). I'm looking forward to hear more from them!

"Useless Boy" will be available in January 2025 in CD, Vinyl and Digital, in 3 different covers!