It has been longtime since I felt the urge to review something electronic. When DWA dropped this Spanish bomb in my mailbox I couldn’t resist! Terrolokaust presents us strong electro Industrial, real top notch stuff! I must say that Javi Ssagittar really did his stinking best to deliver us nothing else but pearls!
It starts with Evade All Traps a raging EBM/industrial one with special effects on the vocals. It’s strong and catchy and has it all as a n opening track has to drag you into the full album (I see a lot of sound clouds. Where most of people only listen to the first track and don’t go any further), this is the perfect one! A Masochist’s Tale gets us some cars, some guitars and lyrics that are more important than the dance floor feel! Still it sounds pretty catchy (check out the chorus) and is driven by a good vibe. It could even become a dance floor filler if the tempo would be lifted a little bit. Dissensions is the title track and sounds a bit like Closer (Nine Inch Nails) with Luc Van Acker on guitars and a slice of 80’s wave. Listen to the guitars, the electronic/industrial part and the vocals and let me know if I’m wrong. Once again: it’s a damn good track! I’ve Heard It All Before sounds very into retro and is very headhunting. The backings gives it an extra catchy and poppy feel. I simply like the vocals and the beats. Pursuit of Ruin goes back into the 80’s with a nice EBM feel and some influences from Nine Inch Nails (listen to the slowdown part with the piano synth). The beats are hammering (sounds like a mix between And One and VNV Nation) making it hard to stand still! My Fault sounds like a ballad (the way NIN does it in the past few years: inclusive the piano part and the vocals), but hey it’s a great and very emotional song! Pay The Price is a cool flamer with roaring beats! I see this one getting a lot of positive feedback during a live set! I also think that Front242 should try to make a cover version of it (it sounds as if written for them)! The Damage is Done goes further down the same road and sounds like the modern version of Front242 mixed with the old school version of NIN. Or in other words: it’s simply an electro/industrial pearl! Oemps Oemps! Foot stomping and rave on! Heterochromia has more guitars and real drums, the raging vocals give it an old school NIN touch and something melancholic. It’s yet another pearl! Don’t Try to Understand has guitars and a roaring sound. I feel like I want to pitch it a bit, heat up the tempo and give it that extra little push that makes it simply perfect. El Mundo Sigue Girando is sung in his native language and feels as if it liberates him. I don’t understand anything, but I feel a positive vibe and hear something very melodic! Javi should do it more often! One Day is already the last track and we get heavy and fat beats, with a break half way and a 80’s feel reboot with a melancholic and sensitive feel. When this part is over the rage takes over and leads us towards the fading out end (mm: why not a big boom?).
Hell yeah, it has been longtime since I really enjoyed an electro/industrial album and all the credits go to Terrolokaust! If I dropped so many big names it says it all about the quality as Javi can start seeing them as his equals!