Kezdown – Escape Lane (Wool-E-Discs)

  Van Muylem    27 juli 2019

Kezdown is Didier Czepczyk (you might know him from TheBreath of Life), Matthieu Rousselet and Gaston Hollands. The album is a dark, retro-minded with synth’s and cool guitars, simple and effective piece of art!

For me it’s a bit new to hear Didier sing, but once used to it I can listen to the whole album without hesitation. The pictures already tells the story: the hanged guy with a bleeding hart and a background of a death industrial valley. According To is pretty catchy (listen to the guitar and the melancholic vocals). It’s not the most happy track and has a slice of The Doors mixed with The Joy Division and The Cure. The more you listen to it the more you will love it! After a while you can hear some pieces of Didier playing in The Breath of Life (They will also play at W-Fest). Evdb has a strange title and you really wonder who that person might be and I don’t think it’s Erwin Van Den Bergh! The music has some bleeps and beeps, melted with some guitars and a catchy sound with a good tempo. Killing Teddy Bear is about desperation and holding one day your brain in your hands. There is something going wrong and it sounds dark and industrialized with a slow tempo as it gets you slowly crazy about this song. Cook Me Well is a funny song, with a touch of Frank Tovey (Fad Gadget) and maybe the rope refers to him? I adore the electronic part, mixed with the vocals and a the perfect tempo with enough highs and lows and to keep in going and keep you interested! This might be a perfect live track!

Alien has a Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars feel: the lyrics and the acoustic guitar just make it sound like. Fact is that I cherish this song a lot! Friendly Disease starts with a spooky sound, digs into the darkness and the pain. Power Crazy gets you hooked via the guitar, the lyrics and the vocals. This song is crafted in such a way that it can make you revolt, dance or just go crazy! Human Zoo is a song about routine and a demand to escape from it. Life is so boring if you stick to it. I adore the melancholic touch and the desperation in the vocals and the music! The Sweetest Answer is a difficult song and goes between love and killing all the good stuff in your life. The music has a retro feel (listen to the guitar and the synths), but also a slice of a techno touch. Frankly Frankie might be about Frank Tovey: the way he died and the adoration of a fan for him. It’s cool to hear electronic bleeps mixed with an acoustic guitar, a solo, synths … Again it has something very catchy and I don’t understand why it’s the first time I hear about Kezdown! To be honest: I’m rally happy Didier sent me his CD! Murder In Shirt is a great up-tempo and bad ass track with a floating feel and an aggressive electronic touch and the perfect guitar sound. The Wasted Men is again a very dark track, leaving no hope and dragging you down, deeper down and down with a cruel catchy touch. What If? Is already the last (13th) track! Starting with questions in a dense and dark way. You feel it’s not going to end well. Once again the chorus is pretty catchy, despite the darkness and the bad feelings. Where is the rope?

I really loved it and hope you will get interested after reading this little review! Maybe we can even see them on stage?