Hell Boulevard - ‘Not Sorry’ LP (NoCut Entertainment)

  Van Muylem    30 september 2020

Hell Boulevard are back and they’re NOT SORRY. The Swiss based goth’n’roll quartet is ready to unveil their new studio album, unequivocally titled 'Not Sorry'. A record that has been utterly unapologetic since its conception, this is Hell Boulevard’s new attempt to produce songs they won’t ever be sorry for.

I must say it was Koen Asaert’s Flemish review for this LP that got me tempted, so here we go!

Hell Boulevard was formed in 2014 by Matteo vDiva Fabbiani (former Lost Area, Adam Kult, Violent Diva), joined by Von Marengo also ex-Lost Area (guitar, vocals), Jan Hangman on drums and Raul Sanchez on bass. You might know them from these hits: 'Hangover from Hell' (2014) and 'Zero Fucks Given' (2017), next to that it’s worth checking out their previous albums: 'Inferno' (2016) and 'In Black We Trust' (2018). They toured in the past with Darkhaus and Unzucht , worked together with Lord Of The Lost, Freakangel, Erdling and Eisfabrik.

I Should Be Dead By Now has a clear industrial sound and reminds me a bit of mister Marilyn Manson. The guitars are not bad and the chorus is catchy. I recently reviewed Lord Of The Lost and I must say that the sound of the title track comes close to their sound and it rocks! I’m also sure that the chorus will get a lot of shouts once they can perform it on stage! I think it also should get a chance on the radio too!

Speak of the Devil starts with a classic piano sound, but once the guitars and drums appear the song gets really interesting. With the vocals jumping in we get a mix of the 69 Eyes versus Lord of The Lost. Once again the chorus has a sticky touch and a cool sound. This song might be a good anthem for the soccer team from Belgium called The Red Devils!

Ropes and Candies starts like a soft porn radio promo and evolves to a musical worked out version of that same promo. The sound is a bit mellow and I’m not sure if the hardcore fans will adore it, but I also remember Marilyn Manson did something similar (Speed of Sound for example). The classic instruments part remind me of the latest work of Lord Of The Lost.With Death to the Future they get some help from Faderhead (I thought they called it a day a while ago), giving it a dark wave touch. It’s rocking hard and catchy as hell! It’s a match made in heaven!

First thing we hear next with Where Is Your God Now is a classic piano and orchestral arrangements followed by a synth and a cool mix of industrial, rock’n roll and slice of The 69 Eyes followed by Rammstein. It’s a great track! I adore the bombastic pathos and Wagnerian touch! You Had Me at Fuck Off is a gothic minded ballad that reminds me of an Estonian band who wrote a song called You Had Me At Hello (Ewert and The Two Dragons). Queen Paranoia sounds like bombastic symphonic metal versus Lord Of The Lost. Hate Me opens softly but changes fast into a goth’n roll track with a tragic touch. Like Romeo and Juliet is a symphonic ballad and also shows they have a soft spot and can be romantic when needed. A cello, a piano and deep sounding male vocals: that’s what we get with the fragile tearjerker called Lillies And Roses.Last one is To Hell and Beyond. I hear a mix of classic keyboards, electro-metal and a symphonic touch. It’s a cool ending for a great album! The little girl singing in the end is very funny and a good surprise!

I enjoyed every track and have to thank them for finding so much variation! Thumbs up!
