The almighty maniacs of the BLACK SUN BROTHERHOOD are now releasing their full-length debut “GOD & BEAST”! The album features 11 songs of pure, raw death-groove and bone crushing brutality. BLACK SUN BROTHERHOOD is an extreme metal band from Sarpsborg (also the home of Per Aksel Lundgreen), Norway. Their sinister sound can be described as a coldblooded cocktail of old school black punk and diabolical death metal! The band started in 2013 and features musicians with long involvement in the Norwegian music scene and the metal underground in particular. The band members have previously been involved with metal acts such as THE HELHEIM SOCIETY, DEATHSEEKER, TYR and the notorious proto-Black Metal act THYABHORRENT. They have also been central members in rock/progressive/experimental music groups like SCHÆFER, KVAZAR and VENDETTA BLITZ… and the list of pure greatness goes on and on….
Let’s start with being honest: black/death metal is normally not really my kind of thing, but once I started listening to them I somehow got dragged into their world and as I know by a real life friend that Sarpsborg is also a cool soccer team and a nice place to live I decided to go for it!
They start with Might Is Right: slowly building up the tension just before the first guitar slices and bombing drums. Dr. Doom’s vocals remind me a bit of Amon Amarth (clean vocals). It’s cool to understand what he actually is singing. I also like the overall sound: heavy and fast but produced in a smooth way so that my ears are not bleeding. Witches’ Sabbath feeds the Nordic feel a bit more. I like the song structure and the powerful drive. The vocals sound a bit like slow rapping or chanting a witches spell. At some point you hear some male chanting too. Vengance Is Mine sounds like a Viking metal track, by the power of thy sword! Lolz, I like it and for sure because of the cool tempo and the rambling bass that sounds like horses who are running whilst carrying a warlord. Black Sun Rising goes the same way as the previous one, but with a lower tempo. Leviathan sounds even slower and goes more into doom metal. Driven By Demons is a nice and fast track with sharp vocals. I can’t wait to hear a live version for this one. Love Is A Demon is the shortest track on the album but goes fast and hard as it can go in hell! It sounds like doing a quicky with a demon in the dark. Sol Invictus is also the name of a famous neo-folk band, but I don’t think it was intended as an ode to this band? As far as it concerns me it’s just an interlude with the guitars and drums going crazy and no vocals at all. Hymn To Satan starts with a mysterious sound before the guitar, drums and vocals make it all go boom! The tempo is pretty tight, just the way I love it! Great Whore Of Babylon sounds hard and has an erotic feel. I cherish the guitar play and the vocals in this one. Last one is a real speeded up blast: Litanies To Satan. This is what I call: going out with a blow and thus the prefect ending for a CD!
BLACK SUN BROTHERHOOD is: Dr. Doom – bass & vocals | Lieberknecht – drums | Knegg – guitars.
Well: they didn’t disappoint me and got me captivated from the beginning until the very end! I hope my review will lead you to them!