Chelsea Grin heeft laten weten dat ze niet aanwezig zullen kunnen zijn op Groezrock 2011. Naast deze cancel, cancellen ze ook enkele UK optredens. Onderstaand bericht werd door de band geplaatst: "Alright, here comes the bad news.... We will no longer be able to come to the UK for the Reckless and Relentless tour with AA, OM&M/PTV :( Some stuff come up that was beyond our control, so our next planned dates in Europe are being rescheduled for this winter. Although for the good news, in the upcoming month we will b...e releasing some info about the new cd, so eat our asses. ass'? ass'es.
No Groezrock either... :( what do we have to do to make it up? How about a sneak peek at our studio video...? "