Devin Townsend kondigt band aan voor Europese tour

 Filip Vanhoof    26 september 2019

De Canadees heeft al met meerdere bands muziek gemaakt en getourd. Zo heb je Devin TownsendDevin Towsnend Band, Devin Townsend ProjectStrapping Young Lad en Casulaties Of Cool. Op de laatste plaat Empath werd het weer gewoon het eerste. Voor de tournée die gepland staat in het najaar heeft de artiest de band voorgesteld op sociale media.

Niemand kan het beter uitleggen dan de geniale Hevy Devy zélf, dus proberen we het ook niet. We zijn er van overtuigd dat dit een geweldige concertreeks zal worden. Dus mis het niet. Kaarten voor de avond in Trix Antwerpen op 16 november zijn reeds uitverkocht, maar onderaan kan je nog data vinden die misschien haalbaar zijn. Ook via TicketSwap zijn er altijd opties open naarmate de datum dichterbij komt. Worth a shot.



Op sociale media volgde deze tekst :

"There have been only a few times throughout my career that I can safely say I’ve taken a chance as big as I'm about to take with these new touring plans. But I believe that to not take a chance on something as important to me as this can only lead to creative stagnation.

It is with profound gratitude that I can announce this next tour. To be joined by musicians of this caliber, as well as crew and sound design of such a level, is something I am truly humbled by. As one who has been working professionally my whole career to be able to be allowed to pull something like this off, I really can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to everyone involved.

This is a quantum leap for me, and it’s a situation that I have been very proactive in choosing a group of individuals and setlist for.

I am thrilled and honoured to be joined on these next tours by drummer Morgan Ågren, guitarist Mike Keneally, Ambient guitarist Markus Reuter, keyboardist Diego Tejeida - d'Tej, singer and guitarist Ché Aimee Dorval, bassist Nathan Navarro, as well as a three person choir comprised of Samantha and Anne Preis, and Arabella Packford.

This will be without a net. No backing tracks, no clicks, a lot of room for improvisation, and every possible avenue through musicians and production of high caliber for new and interesting things to be possible each night.

Though this is the first of my upcoming plans for touring, and I don’t want to be limited in the future, my gut feeling is that this will be a truly unique and fascinatingly colourful organization that will yield wonderful things. I truly hope it can be received well enough to be brought to a lot of different territories.

In a wonderful turn of events, the tour is selling out quickly, so please don’t delay and miss the opportunity to see this unique band.

Thank you again for allowing me to do these sorts of things. Truly.

Devin Townsend"

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